Alice says enough | the jabberywocky revisited

In late 2015, early 2016, I began to consider a series of work on the one remaining recurring nightmare, since childhood. Dream analysts have no problem with saying dreams of circling wolves are common and deal with some threat in our lives. In early childhood, there were threats on my father and his family due to his active stance on civil rights. There were the packs of wild dogs that roamed our area to add to the visual reality of such dreams. Then there were the childhood stories of the Big, Bad Wolf, and Peter the Wolf. These intermingled with adolescent threats of the sexual predator and then the political climate of 2016 made all of these ideas coalesce. While in France I came across the tale of La Bête, a serial killer in the form of a wolf/boar (sanglier) who in 1760's France killed women and children. This occurred in the Lozere region. The killer was never found, the killings thought to be an excuse for rape and molestation. Further research showed how old a tale a wolf as deceiver and predator is - dating back to the first century AD.

Deceiver. Pradator. Sexual Predator. All pertinent for 2016, 2017 and how long...

Alice takes a stand

Alice Takes a Stand A

Alice Takes a Stand B

Alice Takes a Stand C

Alice Takes a Stand D

Twas' Brillig (Full)

'Twas brillig

those slithy toves

when mome raths outgrabe

when mome raths outgrabe II (unique)


the jaws and claws


Intimations of Disaster

Alice Stands Firm


Animal Instinct


Here We Go Round I

Here We Go Round II

Here We Go Round III

Here We Go Round IV

La Bête 1760's France

Mulberry (proof)

Night Descends, a Pause

Dancing To The Light Of The Moon